We go through our lives each and every day taking for granted all that we have, love, and cherish. Never realizing that within a split second it could all be over. Five years ago on this day we experienced something that we thought only to be in movies. The attacks on the twin towers left many heart broken and devastated. During this day and age we experience evils uttered into many different forms , but on this day five years ago we realized something that we had been trying to cast aside for so many years, how corrupt and vile evil can truly be. No one knows what caused the terroists that concocted these plans, not only to create them but to pursue them and why their primary targets were these buildings. Some give reason for why the terrorists did it though, saying that it was because they didn't have childhoods, or they did it because of other problems. While some make excuse after excuse for them others not only do that but look up to them as a heros, and join these horrible camps that permit such ideas as to bomb innocent people and places. No matter what their excuse is it still doesn't justify the fact that they killed people that did nothing to wrong them, people that they never met, people that were going about their daily lives and who had families to go home to. Innocent people. We have been informed that there are now precautions to ensure everyone that nothing like this ever happens again, and if it does we will be prepared for the worst. In the end we remember all those that risked their lives, the valiant people that stopped the plane that was aimed at the white house and those that were at the twin towers that saved lives, and those that died.