There when the sunlight seeps through the curtains grasping the darkness with its hands and awakening her to a beautiful summers day. She is there through thick and thin, and never regretting a day in her life, this glorious day is presented to her.
A day in which we acknowledge all all she has done for us. All the headaches, backaches, and days she wanted to pull out her hair, but took a deep breath, put on a smile and lent us an ear when she had none left. She is there to see all our "cartwheels", dances-no matter how bad they are, and accept with a smile every picture that we paint. She is the one to tuck us into bed with a book and a prayer, to be stern when she needs to, and to love you when you feel as if no one else in the world does. She is the one who brought us into this world and prays every night and day we will be safe and God will lead us the right way when she feels she can't.
Today we honor and shower her with all our love, thanks and prayers. Though words can not express all that our hearts desire to say and how grateful we are to have her, the least we can say is Happy Mothers Day.