About a year ago I was in art class and we had the opportunity to enter into a pro life contest. All Catholic and other schools that had arts were elligable to join.The challenge was to create something that we thought would be moving. The original artwork that I drew roughly had the same idea as this, but I decided to do a second one which got judged by the art class. My second piece and seven others were sent off to be put into the contest.
A few weeks went by and I found out that I had been put in the top ten. I later found out that I didn't place, but I have no regrets. I enjoyed that I entered and had a chance to do something. I then set my hopes on getting the piece back. I asked my art teacher and my parents if they knew anyway in which I could have retrieved it. After they had tried all that they could I reluctantly stopped and attempted to recreate the artwork.
Months went by and every draft that I drew never seemed to look like the original and never had the same meaning. Throughout the whole course of months unto a year I told my best friend about my attempts and then my recreating phase for the art piece. He never saw the second one, only the first.
Around this past Christmas every time the conversation veered towards art he would just smile in an awkward manner or laugh in that "Yes sure, but lets change subject" manner. If you knew him you would understand that it's completely out of the ordinary and exceedingly odd of him. During the family Christmas Eve dinner I suspiciosness about his awkward mannerisms ended. Long story short, he somehow in one way or another got my art piece back to me for my Christmas into New Years present.
Thanks to a dear best friend and my art teacher who said she had nothing to do with it,I now have my art
piece back in my hands.