Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Reunions and Goodbyes

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Learning for everyone

There are those in the world that teach and there are those that learn. Although, it is said that when you teach you learn and when you learn you teach. With the knowledge that has been bestowed upon you it is likely that you wish to share it with someone you know or just anyone (even your dog will listen).The saying when you learn you teach and when you teach you learn, I would say, applies to basically everyone in the world who has a brain. There are millions and billions of people in the world with vast assortments of learning and teaching that if I said everything about every one I would probably not only bore you, but myself. Though there is one specific type of teaching and learning that I want to target, and that is homeschooling. Homeschooling isn't at all like your stereotypical stay at home"freak kid" or secluded child that everyone thinks about. Being a homeschooling child for only a few months I have learned so much, not only your basic curriculum of math, science and so on, but about the world around me, and about the value of family and friends. Almost every teacher that you talk to will say that they learn so much from their students, and vise-verse, but I think that homeschooling teachers benefit more when they are teaching. If you are homeschooling your teachers are your parents, some may think that wouldn't be fun, but it actually is. When I say that when you learn you teach and teach you learn it mostly applies to the homeschooling group because your parents don't have to be total brainiacs to teach, or know every answer in the world to every question that you have, they still teach you. In return, they too learn or have their memory refreshed when teaching you. All in all you will learn and they will learn from you and everyone in the world will be in it too, whether it be directly or in directly. The whole paragraph above, as you can tell, is about homeschooling and the learning/teaching experience, but what about the way you are taught, or the way others teach. Take for example, I have a Latin class taught by Father Lino. Now, you have had your teachers that try to make the class and learning experience fun so that it will go in one ear and hopefully stay. They try all of these projects and movies and basically everything you can think of, but Father LIno teaches latin with enthusiasm and is himself, which makes it easier to learn becuase you're not worried about a tense teacher. Since for most in the class it is their third language and for some a second and others have taken the class prior to this year he teaches in a way that will help everyone. This being my first year taking Latin I didn't know what to expect, and certainly didn't expect to laugh and learn so much. When I walked into class and saw Father Lino standing there and the rest of the class in their seats I expected it to be a full on lecture and to have a lot of homework. I was wrong about one thing, the lecturing. He started the class with a story written in Latin, and as he read we went along and he helped us translate. If the word was climb you would look up and see Father Lino speaking in latin the words, and climbing the walls, if the sentence is the dog devours the food, he grabbed anything around him and pretend to eat it. Being in the latin class so far has been fun and I've learned a little latin also.The way people teach and learn is important. Although it may seem funny when you see your teacher, and priest for that matter, climing walls, barking, and falling on the floors, you actually learn and remember when you see and hear the word acted out, what actually went on. Now I'm not saying that is the only way to teach, but it is a hillarious one and one that has helped not only me, but the rest of the class learn latin pretty fast.
Friday, September 15, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My Temperament

OK, so I just took this test that is supposed to tell you what your personality is like. So I guess this is me. Its kind of creepy because it got right on the spot of who I really am. Hope you like.
My Temperament
melancholic / choleric(54% / 46%)
The Melancholic / Choleric
The melancholic-choleric is also a leader with the potential to accomplish great works. However, where the choleric-melancholic is driven by the challenge and the opportunity, the melancholic-choleric is inspired more by the nobility of the task. The introverted nature of the melancholic, combined with the focused and unempathic nature of the choleric, can result in an individual who is highly motivated by noble ideals (even humanitarian ones), but who prefers to work alone, rather than with people. The melancholic side of both temperament mixtures results in the project being organized, ethical, and high-minded, while the choleric aspect is the driving and demanding force.
If you are melancholic-choleric, you are somewhat less pragmatic (or utilitarian) than a pure choleric, just as persevering and determined, and with a greater emphasis on the ideal. Likely to be motivated by the most noble and demanding of causes, you are capable of founding a humanitarian society, composing a symphony, founding a school, or discovering a cure. You are organized, perfectionist, introspective, driven, and moody (though less so than a pure melancholic). You will be less active than a choleric-melancholic and less extraverted, more internally focused.
But your weaknesses include a tendency to excessive self-criticism and criticism of others, being dismissive or overly judgmental, exhibiting a tendency to self-absorption, and possessing an untrustful and controlling nature. You tend to be inflexible, can bear grudges for a long time and may be prone to discouragement. A melancholic-choleric who is not attentive to his spiritual life, and does not keep his eye assiduously on the truly important things of life can become a cross to those around him, through his nit-picking, perfectionism, disdain, bitterness, resentfulness, spitefulness when crossed, and even haughtiness.
If your temperament is melancholic-choleric, for a better understanding of your temperament it is recommended that you read the full descriptions of the melancholic and choleric.
Monday, September 11, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006
No More Lazy Days of Summer

Friday, September 08, 2006

As most movies are now a days based on novels, remakes, and stories,some are outstanding ones that you would love to enjoy over and over again, while others are on the dull side. This movie was unlike any other that I've ever seen,not because it had state of the art technology or because it had the best special effects to make up for the lack of story plot, but because of the sheer brilliance and originality that it brought to the screen. It had real life characters that people could easily connect with. It is because of this that I give this movie five out of five stars.