Many would say that brothers are a nuisance, a terrible thing to have, same with sisters. I don't know about the sisters part, but brothers, I have three. They can be pest sometimes, as goes for all people including myself. The saying " you can't live with them and you can't live without them," really applies to my situation. Sure sometimes they take your stuff, pull your hair, and just plain wreck everything that they put their grubby little hands on, but all they really want is attention. That or the fact that they are highly amused at the sight of their older sister turning purple in the face and pulling her hair out, ( that she probably spent a good amount of time on.) If you think about it though, even for a second, you'll realize that they're actually pretty fun to have around. Not only can you blame stuff on them, you can hang out with them, be yourself around them, and goof off without worrying about it. I was joking about the blaming, you do have to be nice once in a while. Brothers aren't like other people, in quite a lot of ways they are special. They aren't only there for you during the good times, they also know when to stop goofing off and realize when your down and give you a hug to make you feel better. Even my three year old brother asks if I'm okay with an animated " aaaaaaaaaah, you ok?" when I sneeze or trip ( because my feet are getting too big for me.) being the oldest one I am there for them too, when they're not quite happy, or when mom and dad won't let them have ice cream before they've eaten their dinner or let them stay up until whatever time they want. The point that I am trying to get at is that it may not seem all that swell and all you feel like doing is feeding them dog food and saying it's really candy, or playing pranks on them. In the long run, when they grow up and you have also had your share of growing up as well, all the stuff seems pretty ridiculous,but funny, maybe even actually brings you closer together. I know this because I hear the stories of my mother and her siblings and their treacherous tricks that they pulled on each other as all siblings do.
Brothers are incredible to grow up with, so far, and you'll sometimes regret the selfish thought that you oh so frequently think I wish I was an only child. So cherish the times that you share with your brothers because life is short and so are the pranks.
I really like this one! You almost made me cry!
I think you're amazing! You are the enlightened catalyst ensuring theirs and your success. I love You
Hey Marissa, it's me Paola from Latin/Ethics class. ^^What's up? Nice blog, by the way. Just to let you know, my email is celeste_angelis@yahoo.com. See you Friday. <3
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