One must wonder were all of this is coming from and were all of it is heading.Most of it, if not all, is societies lack of morals .We live in a world that tells everyone whether it is through magazines, the movies or T.V that they must worry only about their looks. A world that tells you yes it is alright to be gay, to not get married, and that more than two kids per family is absurd.A world that tells you yes you can have an abortion, use birth control and that sex before marriage is alright, as long as it makes you fell better.As long as you, yourself are happy.
Yes that's the phrase the world can now use, as long as your happy. That is what it has turned into. So what do we say to the murderers in prison who felt so ecstatic when they murdered or raped someone? Do we say it is all fine and dandy, or do we sentence them to life? It may be "outrageous" to compare all this to such a thing as murder, but that is what society has done, that is what our world has turned into.Abortion is homicide. Its there plane and simple, it is murder.Divorce is hurting people and splitting whole families apart. Consumption of money is driving people mad and causing them to go as far as killing and hurting others for more. Telling people they must weigh a certain amount in order to be beautiful and loved is causing them to be anorexic and bulimic, which leads to death. Telling people if they don't have a certain nose or chin they must get plastic surgery or lipo leads them to undergo numerous life threatening surgeries. Just for the sake of others opinions. In our day and age the world is saying that there is no God, we originated from the big bang and can govern ourselves. The world needs people that will step up and say something, not be suppressed buy the rest of the world for saying what they believe. If the world and our society don't turn around now, there wont be anything to go back onto, no set of morals, rules, or regulations and the world will go into utter havoc over something as simple as a choice.
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