In the third movie we are faced with the question of choice, should spiderman go to the dark side or should he stay true to the red and blue. In the movie he becomes not so much evil but bad.As the bad spidy he has gained more power and a new sense of excitement. All of this not only plays part during superhero work, but in his daily life. Face it, they turned him emo.The side swept hair,black clothing, and oh so bad attitude, all that's missing is the eyeliner. But before he turns evil it shows his sweet side. Peter still loves M.J. and is going to purpose to her when all the sudden thew New Green Goblin, a.k.a Harry, comes into the picture and tries to kill Peter. He then gets a concussion which makes him forget everything after high school,including his fathers death. But they tell him he died, just not how. While all this is going on there is an escape convict running loose and stumbles upon a scientific sand site that turns him into the sandman. They really need more than the 2 by 2in. signs that say "please don't pass" and the three foot high plastic fence, that's why they have all the super powered villains.Then you get back to the story were Peter is about to be replaced by a new photographer, named Brock, and M.J.'s career is falling apart.
Harry then stumbles into his dads secret laboratory and then goes back to wanting to ruin Peters life. Harry gets M.J. to break up with Peter by blackmail. All the while Perter is freaking out because the suit is taking over his life only leaving him with chaos. He finally gets the suit off by crashing into the church bells where he was hiding out for some time. Coincidentally, Brock, was there and the suit took over him and turned him into Venom. As the movie goes on Venom is terrorizing New York with the help of Sandman and Spiderman is the only one who can stop them. The New Green Goblin has it out for Spiderman too, but he decides to help spidy instead because he can't kill him if he's already dead; and it wouldn't be that nice of a story either. In the end Spiderman gets the suit off of Brock and he destroys it along with Brock who was emotionally attached. The Sandman gets away, but not before telling his side of the story about Uncle Ben's true death, which was an accident. And last but not least and terribly sad Harry dies while defending Peter in battle. All in all, I give this movie four out of five stars.
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